Brief Reference

The following table is a brief overview of the functionality of PyGLPK. The intention was to present functionality in roughly the same order and groupings that they do in the GLPK reference manual, at least where appropriate. This section contains a brief description of some functionality, some simple Python code illustrating the general principles of usage, the related C API function (for the benefit of those familiar with GLPK; this information can be safely ignored if you are not), and a link to more detailed documentation on this subject with the ? links.

Problem Attributes

Create or delete problem object

lp = glpk.LPX()  # glp_create_prob
del(lp)          # glp_delete_prob

Reinitialize problem object

lp.erase()  # glp_erase_prob

Set or get problem name = "pname"  # glp_set_prob_name
del(       # glp_set_prob_name            # glp_get_prob_name

Set or get objective function name = "oname"  # glp_set_obj_name
del(       # glp_set_obj_name            # glp_get_obj_name

Set or get optimization direction

lp.obj.maximize = True  # glp_set_obj_dir
lp.obj.maximize         # glp_get_obj_dir

Add new rows or columns to a problem

lp.rows.add(num_to_add)  # glp_add_rows
lp.cols.add(num_to_add)  # glp_add_cols

Set or get row or column name

lp.rows[ri].name = "rname"  # glp_set_row_name
del(lp.rows[rnum].name)     # glp_set_row_name

lp.cols[ci].name = "cname"  # glp_set_col_name
del(lp.cols[cnum].name)     # glp_set_col_name

lp.rows[ri].name            # glp_get_row_name
lp.cols[ci].name            # glp_get_col_name

Set or get row or column bounds

lp.rows[ri].bounds = lower, upper  # glp_set_row_bnds
lp.rows[ri].bounds = equals        # glp_set_row_bnds

lp.cols[ci].bounds = lower, upper  # glp_set_col_bnds
lp.cols[ci].bounds = equals        # glp_set_col_bnds

lp.rows[ri].bounds                 # glp_get_row_type
                                   # glp_get_row_lb
                                   # glp_get_row_ub

lp.cols[ci].bounds                 # glp_get_col_type
                                   # glp_get_col_lb
                                   # glp_get_col_ub

Set or get objective coefficient or shift term

# use index None to get shift term
lp.obj[ci] = coef  # glp_set_obj_coef
lp.obj[ci]         # glp_get_obj_coef

Set or get row or column of the constraint matrix

lp.rows[ri].matrix = [(ci1,val1), (ci2,val2), ...]  # glp_set_mat_row
lp.cols[ci].matrix = [(ri1,val1), (ri2,val2), ...]  # glp_set_mat_col
lp.rows[ri].matrix                                  # glp_get_mat_row
lp.cols[ci].matrix                                  # glp_get_mat_col

Set or get the whole constraint matrix

lp.matrix = [(ri1,ci1,val1), (ri2,ci2,val2), ...]  # glp_load_matrix

Delete rows or columns from problem object

del(lp.rows[ri1, ri2, ...])  # glp_del_rows
del(lp.rows[r_lo:r_hi+1])    # glp_del_rows

del(lp.cols[ci1, ci2, ...])  # glp_del_cols
del(lp.cols[c_lo:c_hi+1])    # glp_del_cols

Delete problem object

# or just let garbage collector handle it
del(lp)  # glp_delete_prob

Indexing rows and columns by name

Index row or column by its name

lp.rows['rowname']  # glp_find_row
# to check for membership
'rowname' in lp.rows

lp.cols['colname']  #
# to check for membership
'colname' in lp.cols

The index is created when required.

Problem Scaling

Automatically scale or unscale problem data

lp.scale()    # glp_scale_prob
lp.unscale()  # glp_unscale_prob

Set or get scaling of row and column data

lp.rows[i].scale = factor  # glp_set_rii
lp.cols[i].scale = factor  # glp_set_sjj
lp.rows[i].scale           # glp_get_rii
lp.cols[i].scale           # glp_get_sjj

Basis operations

Construct trivial initial LP basis

lp.std_basis()  # glp_std_basis

Construct advanced initial LP basis

lp.adv_basis()  # glp_adv_basis

Construct advanced initial LP basis with Bixby’s algorithm

lp.cpx_basis()  # glp_cpx_basis

Read initial LP basis from a file

lp.read_basis(filename)  # lpx_read_bas

Set row or column status

lp.rows[ri].status = newstatus  # glp_set_row_stat
lp.cols[ci].status = newstatus  # glp_set_col_stat

Basic simplex solvers

Solve problem with the simplex method

lp.simplex()  # glp_simplex

Solve problem with an exact arithmetic using simplex method

lp.exact()  # lpx_exact

Get generic, primal, or dual status of basic solution

lp.status         # glp_get_status
lp.status_s       # to force simplex status
lp.status_primal  # glp_get_prim_stat
lp.status_dual    # glp_get_dual_stat

Get objective value

lp.obj.value    # glp_get_obj_val
lp.obj.value_s  # to force simplex value

Get row or column status

# a string, one of 'bs', 'nl','nu','nf','ns'
lp.rows[ri].status  # glp_get_row_stat

# a string, one of 'bs', 'nl','nu','nf','ns'
lp.cols[ci].status  # glp_get_col_stat

Get row or column primal or dual value

lp.rows[ri].primal    # glp_get_row_prim
lp.rows[ri].primal_s  # to force simplex value

lp.rows[ri].dual      # glp_get_row_dual
lp.rows[ri].dual_s    # to force simplex value

lp.cols[ci].primal    # glp_get_col_prim
lp.cols[ci].primal_s  # to force simplex value

lp.cols[ci].dual      # glp_get_col_dual
lp.cols[ci].dual_s    # to force simplex value

Get non-basic variable causing unboundness

# a row or column, or None if none has been identified
lp.ray ()  # lpx_get_ray_info

Check solution’s Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

lp.kkt()  # lpx_check_kkt

Manual simplex tableau operations

Warm-up LP basis

lp.warm_up()  # glp_warm_up

Compute a row of the simplex tableau

lp.rows[ri].eval_tab_row()  # glp_eval_tab_row

Compute a column of the simplex tableau

lp.cols[ci].eval_tab_col()  # glp_eval_tab_col

Transform explicitly specified row

lp.transform_row()  # glp_transform_row

Transform explicitly specified column

lp.transform_column()  # glp_transform_col

Perform primal ratio test

lp.prime_ratio_test()  # glp_prim_ratio_test

Perform dual ratio test

lp.dual_ratio_test()  # glp_dual_ratio_test

Interior-point solver

Solve problem with the interior-point method

lp.interior()  # lpx_interior

Get status of interior-point solution

lp.status    # glp_ipt_status
lp.status_i  # to force interior point status

Get objective value

lp.obj.value    # glp_ipt_obj_val
lp.obj.value_i  # to force interior point value

Get row or column primal or dual value

lp.rows[ri].primal    # glp_ipt_row_prim
lp.rows[ri].primal_i  # to force interior point value

lp.rows[ri].dual      # glp_ipt_row_dual
lp.rows[ri].dual_i    # to force interior point value

lp.cols[ci].primal    # glp_ipt_col_prim
lp.cols[ci].primal_i  # to force interior point value

lp.cols[ci].dual      # glp_ipt_col_dual
lp.cols[ci].dual_i    # to force interior point value

Mixed-Integer Programming Solvers

Set or get problem class

lp.kind  # lpx_get_class

Set or get column kind

lp.cols[ci].kind = int    # glp_set_col_kind
lp.cols[ci].kind = bool
lp.cols[ci].kind = float

lp.cols[ci].kind          # glp_get_col_kind

Get number of integer columns

lp.nint  # glp_get_num_int

Get number of binary columns

lp.nbin  # glp_get_num_bin

Solve MIP problem with the B&B method

lp.integer()  # glp_intopt

Solve MIP problem with the advanced B&B solver

lp.intopt()  # lpx_intopt

Get status of MIP solution

lp.status    # glp_mip_status
lp.status_m  # to force MIP status

Get objective value

lp.obj.value    # glp_mip_obj_val
lp.obj.value_m  # to force MIP value

Get row or column value

lp.rows[ri].value    # glp_mip_row_val
lp.rows[ri].value_m  # to force MIP value

lp.cols[ci].value    # glp_mip_col_val
lp.cols[ci].value_m  # to force MIP value

Check solution’s integer feasibility conditions

lp.kktint()  # lpx_check_int

MIP Branch & Cut Advanced Interface

Access the problem object

tree.lp  # glp_ios_get_prob

Determine the size of the branch and bound tree

tree.num_active  # glp_ios_tree_size
tree.num_all     # tree.num_total

Determine current active subproblem

tree.curr_node  # glp_ios_curr_node

Determine first active subproblem

tree.first_node  # glp_ios_next_node

Determine last active subproblem

tree.last_node  # glp_ios_prev_node

Determine next active subproblem  # glp_ios_next_node

Determine previous active subproblem

node.prev  # glp_ios_prev_node

Determine parent subproblem

node.up  # glp_ios_up_node

Determine subproblem level

node.level  # glp_ios_node_level

Determine subproblem local bound

node.bound  # glp_ios_node_bound

Find active subproblem with best local bound

tree.best_node  # glp_ios_best_node

Compute relative MIP gap  # glp_ios_mip_gap

Select subproblem to continue the search  # glp_ios_select_node

Provide solution found by heuristic

tree.heuristic(values)  # glp_ios_heur_sol

Check if can branch upon specified variable

tree.can_branch(colnum)  # glp_ios_can_branch

Choose variable to branch upon

tree.branch_upon(colnum, 'D')  # glp_ios_branch_upon

Terminate the solution process

tree.terminate()  # glp_ios_terminate


Get GLPK version

glpk.env.version  # glp_version

Monitor memory usage

glpk.env.blocks       # glp_mem_usage

Limit memory usage

# max_megabytes should be an integer
glpk.env.mem_limit = max_megabytes  # glp_mem_limit

Control terminal output

glpk.env.term_on = True           # glp_term_out
glpk.env.term_hook = output_func  # glp_term_hook

Problem readers

Read fixed MPS format file

lp = glpk.LPX(mps=filename)  # lpx_read_mps

Read free MPS format file

lp = glpk.LPX(freemps=filename)  # lpx_read_freemps

Read GNU LP format file

lp = glpk.LPX(glp=filename)  # lpx_read_prob

Read CPLEX LP format file

lp = glpk.LPX(cpxlp=filename)  # lpx_read_cpxlp

Read GNU MathProg model file

lp = glpk.LPX(gmp=filename)  # lpx_read_model
lp = glpk.LPX(gmp=(model_file, data_file, output_file))

Problem and data writers

Write problem to fixed MPS format file

lp.write(mps=filename)  # lpx_write_mps

Write problem to free MPS format file

lp.write(freemps=filename)  # lpx_write_freemps

Write problem to GNU LP format file

lp.write(glp=filename)  # lpx_write_prob

Write problem to CPLEX LP format file

lp.write(cpxlp=filename)  # lpx_write_cpxlp

Write LP basis to fixed MPS format file

lp.write(bas=filename)  # lpx_write_bas

Write problem to plain text file

lp.write(prob=filename)  # lpx_print_prob

Write basic solution to plain text file

lp.write(sol=filename)  # lpx_print_sol

Write bounds sensitivity information to plain text file

lp.write(sens_bnds=filename)  # lpx_print_sens_bnds

Write interior point solution to plain text file

lp.write(ips=filename)  # lpx_print_ips

Write MIP solution to plain text file

lp.write(mip=filename)  # lpx_print_mip